Posted by Dave Shaughnessy
Reminder that the quarterly invoices have been sent
Orono Rotary Meeting Notes July 18, 2013
Guests: Andy and Lori Meehan and Rea James - host parents for Stephanie our exchange student from Germany who was our speaker.
Announcements: Pavilion Work Day on Thursday July 25 from 1-7 pm to install paver floor. RSVP to Andy DeLuca who is coordinating this as his Eagle Project. No morning meeting will be held on the 25th.
Happy Buck Highlights included lots of thanks for our great exchange students this year! We were very happy to welcome Rick Shenk back after 2 floods in his home, a car accident in the family and a heart attack. Members shared fun memories of staying cool as kids in creeks, sprinklers, pools or not staying cool depending on where everyone grew up!
Stephanie shared photos of her year here in the US and told about all the things she saw and experienced from homecoming and prom to activities like gymnastics and lacrosse. She went to the BWCA, northern MN, Chicago and AZ and the Grand Canyon with her host families. She loved the east coast trip with all the other exchange students visiting NY City, Washington D.C., Orlando, Chicago and all places in-between.
She will miss all of us and we will miss her (and Sofia) now that they have returned home!